Rules and Regulations


1. Date of Examination:-

The date of all examinations of the Council shall be fixed by the Council in accordance with the ordinance relating to the examination.

The Council holds two examinations in a year i.e. annual and bi-annual. The annual examinations are held during the month of August/ September and the Bi-annual during the month of Dec. / March each year.

2. Appointment of Examiners:-

Examiners for the examinations of the Council shall be appointed by the Council . Provided that in some cases in which, in the opinion of the Registrar, immediate action is necessary, examiners for the such examinations may be appointed by him.
The committee shall recommend persons for appointment as examiners from time to time, from among persons on the list of examiners approved by the Council . Preference shall however, be given to the qualified teachers, the center Superintendents/ Principals/ Heads of the affiliated institutions of the Council . The Registrar shall have the power to overrule and recommendations of the committee for appointment as examiners.

3. Conduct of Examinations:-

The Council shall appoint inspectors for the examination centers and shall issue such instructions, as may be necessary for the smooth conduct of the theory examinations.
Copies of question papers shall be printed or cyclostyled at such time as may be determined in each cases by the Registrar.
The Registrar of the Council have forward before the commencement of examinations, to the officer- in-charge of each center the following papers. Such other papers as may be required for the proper conduct of the examinations.
The Officer- In charge of each center shall forwards all answer books, relating to the written part of examinations, to the Registrar of the Council .
The Registrar shall issue such general instructions, approved in this behalf by the Council , for the guidance of examiners as considered necessary for the proper discharge of their duties and shall prescribe suitable forms for the recording of the marks obtaining by the examinees.
In visitors at examination centers of the Council shall be appointed as per rules.
The Registrar shall appoint a theory Superintendent for each center.
The accompanists and such other staff, which may be required for the conduct of examination, shall be appointed by the Centre Superintendent at his own expenses.

4. Preparation of Results:-

A special examination committee, consisting of such members as may be approved for the purpose, shall be appointed from amongst the staff to prepare the result of the examinations for publication.
Any attempt made by or on behalf of candidate to secure preferential treatment in the matter of his or her examination, shall disqualify the candidate.

5. Fixation of Examination Centers:-

All Examination Centers for annual/ Bi-annual examinations of the Council shall be fixed by the Council each year according to convenience and suitability. To fix an examination center shall be the exclusive right of the Council and unwanted correspondence shall be entertained in this behalf.
The examinations of the Council shall be held at such centers only as are fixed by the Council for the purpose. NO practical examination shall be held at any other center, which is not fixed by the Council . Arrangement of sub- centers is not permissible ordinarily. However, the Council has the right to permit a sub- center to be arranged in case the sub- center is prepared to beat the T.A. and D.A. of the examiners, if the number of student is less than 40 at the sub- center. The request for sub- center shall be sent to the Council at least one month prior to the date of examination.
Examination centers shall be set up various places on the receipt of applications, in the form prescribed by the Council from time to time.

6. Central Rules:-

The examination dates will be notified to the Superintendents of the Examination Centers who shall be responsible for informing the candidates accordingly. The Council shall not be held responsible in case if any student remains uniformed.
Examination papers shall be set in English language . if necessary and candidates shall be permitted to answer their question in the language English/Hindi or of their choice as stated in the application for admissions to the relevant examination.
Theory papers in sealed cover shall be sent to the respective examination centers well in time. But if for any reason these are not received at any examination center in time, the Superintendent of such centers shall bring this fact to the notice of the Registrar telegraphically or telephonic-ally or personally.
All examination papers shall be opened only at the stipulated time and date of the respective examinations, in presence of three responsible persons of the area and the Superintendent of the Center and three out of these four persons shall sign the envelope containing these examination papers, mentioning the date and time the envelope was opened.
The answer books shall be collected and enclosed in a cloth cover for the purpose of dispatch to the chairman and each package shall be duly sealed and signed by the Superintendent of the Center and invigilator or invigilators, in the presence of each other, immediately after the examination is over.
Every Superintendent of an examination center shall have to arrange a hall with tables, etc. for the written test and a table, tempura, drummer etc. which may be needed for the practical examination and the expenditure on the above shall be borne by the individual center concerned.
Superintendents of examinations centers shall arrange for writers to write answers of the theory papers of blind and handicapped candidates, whose remuneration shall be paid by the candidate himself. An attested copy of passport photographs of each such writer shall be sent by the Center, Superintendent concerned to the Council along with the writer's qualification, both education and technical, which shall be prescribed and verified by the Council .
The authorities of the Council may appoint an Inspector who shall be authorized to inspect any examination center at any time and to submit an inspection report. Such inspector shall receive the fullest co-operation of the Superintendent of the Examinations Center.
The responsibility for the successful holding of examinations at all centers shall be that of Superintendent of the examination centers.
If in any case the Superintendent of an examination center acts irresponsibility in the opinion of the authorities of the Council , suitable action shall be taken against such Superintendent and the decision of the Council in this respect shall be final and binding on the superintendent concerned.
All complaints regarding the holding of examinations in respect of examination centers shall be made to the Registrar within fifteen days of the commencement of the examination. Each complaint must bear the signature and full address of the complaint. Only those complaints shall be entertained which are considered justified by the Council , whose decision in this respect shall be final and binding. No anonymous complaint shall be entertained.
All bills connection with T.A. & D.A. claims etc. shall be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the examination. No bills submitted thereafter shall be entertained. The payment shall be made in the month of Nov. / Dec. every year. No correspondence in this respect shall be entertained.
Normally change of center is not permitted. In exceptional and pressing, circumstances the candidate shall be allowed to change the center, if intimation in this respect reaches the office of Registrar 10 days prior to the commencement of the examination. Such candidates shall have to pay Rs.20/- fee for the change of center. ) Where the authorities of the council have reasons to believe that foul and unfair means have been adopted in the course of conduct of the examination, the examination held at such centre is liable to be cancelled in respect of that examination center. The decision of the council in this regard shall be final and binding on all concerned.
If it is found that a candidate/ candidates/ has/ have adopted unfair means, such candidate/ candidates is/ are liable to be expelled from the examination hall and he/ she they may be further debarred from appearing for the examinations of the Council for a specific period as may be determined by the Council . The decision of the Council in this respect shall be final and binding on such candidate/ candidates. Rectified result of any candidate received from the appointed examiner after one month from the declaration of the result shall not be entertained under any circumstances whatsoever.
Where the Division of candidate falls short by one mark in the aggregate, he/ she shall be awarded one grace mark provided such candidate passes both in theory and practical separately without looking into consideration award of any grace mark.

7. Cancellation of Certificate:-

If any time, even after the declaration of the result, it is discovered that a candidate has obtained diploma/ certificate wrongly to which he/ she was not actually entitled by virtue of his/ her result, the Council has full power to treat his/ her certificate as automatically cancelled.
If, through oversight, two certificates happen to have been issued to a candidate in inadvertently of different division of the same class, subject and session, the Executive Board of the Council through its chairman has full power to declare the incorrect certificate as automatically cancelled.
The examination answer books and details regarding marks obtained by the examinees, except the Examination Register, shall be destroyed or otherwise destroyed of after expiry of six months of the declaration of the result. 8. Examination Fees:- i) Each candidate will be required to pay their examinations fees as Rs.4550/ (forty five hundred fifty only)with the examination form. The fee is subject to revision from time to time. Students are requested to read the Fee structure List carefully. NOTE: In the case of Foreign Countries the Examination fees for various grades of examination shall be charged as fixed by the Council from time to time.

9. Duplicate Copy of the Original Certificate:-

In the case of loss of original certificate application for obtaining duplicate copy of the certificate shall be accompanied with an affidavit duly attested by oath commissioner. Duplicate certificate fee will be is Rs.1000/- per certificate .